Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Health benefits of Lemons

Easily available at every kitchens and refrigerators, Lemons are enriched with many health advantages. Lemons are vitally rich as antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-boosting powers and a major source of losing weight. Substances like calcium, magnesium, citric acid, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, and limonene available in Lemons aids in promoting immunity and resist infections.

Presenting here with 10 health benefits of Lemons which most of us might have not known before:

1.       Citric Acid available in Lemons can play a vital role in treatment of acne. As Lemons are the major source of Vitamin C, it can help in obtaining healthy & glowing skin along with eliminating some sorts of acne causing bacteria by its alkaline nature.

2.       Study has revealed that lemon ointment has a soothing result and therefore may be able to support get rid of weakness, tiredness, wooziness, nervousness, edginess, and tautness.

3.       The recognized antiviral and antibacterial possessions of lemons can speed up the restorative method in the case of cancers.

4.       Lemons always play a vital remedy for fevers and chills.

5.       Caught with cold? The remedial influence of lemons works both internally, by furnishing urgently essential vitamin C to your defense cells, and outwardly, through the presentation of its antiviral stuffs to the virus on the lubricated membranes in the throat & nose.

6.       Corns and calluses can be cured by applying Lemon poultices overnight.

7.       Skin infections such as eczema can be healed by having them wrapped with Lemon peel.

8.       Lemons act as a Godsend for world travellers, lengthy distance hikers and surveyors. When tiredness sets in, sucking lemon nectar by piercing the top of the fruit with a straw, giving themselves a quick-acting dose and lovely nourishment.

9.       Lemons can help ventilate inhalation that has gone acrid after consuming certain seasonings, liquor, fags, or that is initiated by unsatisfactory salivation.

10.   Garlic and onions have been shown to be effective in the fight against hypertension, and they combine well with the healing power of lemon.

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