Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HOW to Eliminate Body Odor

Got irritated by body smell that tends to rise up during the most unwanted times? Given below are tips and procedure on getting rid of the unpleasant body odor.

1.    Make the habit of having bathe or shower daily
Make sure you have bathe or shower daily basis using appropriate body cleansing materials such as shower gel or soap. Give special attention to your underarms while bathing.,

2.    Avoid using deodorant /antiperspirant as far as possible
There is no odor in perspiration at all. Actually, underarm odor is generated by bacteria and their increment. Soap and deodorant provides food to these bacteria and leading to their increment.  This will lead to even worse smelling then ever.

3.    Change your socks and undergarments daily
If it is not possible to shower daily, make sure you change your undergarments and socks on daily basis. Make sure you wash your socks and undergarments daily too, and get them completely dried up afterwards.

4.    Place your clothes in areas where air can reach them and that has pleasing smell
Use scented paper as lining in your drawers. Hanging clothes may be more effective rather than keeping them in drawers.It will let them dry and kill any bacteria that might be living there.

5.    Adopt the habit of washing your hands 3 to 4 times a day on regular basis.

6.    Quit smoking
Quit smoking if you have the habit of smoking. It creates negative impact on the regulatory systems which helps in checking odors.

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