Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Home Remedies for Kidney Stone

The kidneys are one of the utmost vital publications in the human figure, as they aid to detox and filter out contamination from the blood, as well as unwanted produces in our urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process these contaminants resourcefully. In this case, a crystallization of unrefined minerals shape up, causing aching, stones and likely obstruction of urine movement. 

The following segment will compromise some modest natural therapies to aid soothe the uneasiness of kidney stones, as well as speed up the body’s normal curative procedure. 

1.   At the initial symptom of stone pain, Mix 2 oz of organic olive oil with 2 oz of organic lemon juice. Drink it straight down followed with a 12-ounce glass of pure water. After waiting for 30 minutes, squash the extract of 1/2 lemon in 12 ounces of disinfected water, add 1 tablespoon of organic raw apple cider vinegar and drink. Recap the lemon juice, water and apple cider vinegar recipe every 60 minutes till symptoms recover.

2.   Uva Ursi is an additional corporate traditional medicine for kidney stones. Not only will it aid combat off septicity in the kidneys, but it may also help decrease aching and purify the urinary tract. 500mg three times a day is suggested for kidney stones.

3.   Biological dandelion root is one greater overall kidney boost and cleaning product. Taking up to 500 mg twice a day may be advantageous.

4.   A diuretic, horsetail tea is one more active regular medication for kidney stones. Drink up to 3-4 cups of horsetail tea every day or 2 grams of the herb in capsule form day-to-day.

5.   Try intake organic pomegranates or sipping recently squeezed pomegranate extract.

6.   300 mg of magnesium orotate is suggested daily for avoidance and decrease of stones.

7.   Both the vegetable and the celery seed are abundant diuretics and kidney energizers. Systematic use of celery seed, both as a spice and a tea may avoid kidney stone creation.

8.   Eat vitamin A rich foods. Vitamin A is necessary to keep the lining of the urinary tract in shape and help discourage the formation of future stones. Foods high in vitamin A include apricots, broccoli, cantaloupes, pumpkins, winter squash, and beef liver.

Diavit Plus - a Medicine to Cure Diabetes

Each soft gelatin capsule contains:
Alpha Lipoic Acid USPNF: 200 mg
Beta Carotene USP: 3 mg
          (As 30% oily dispersion)
Methylcobalamin         : 1500 mcg
Zinc Oxide I.P.: 24.89 mg
Equivalent to Zinc: 20 mg
Selenious Acid USP: 0.14 mg
Equivalent to Selenium: 70 mcg
Chromic Chloride USP: 0.152 mg
Equivalent to Chromium: 50 mcg
Light Magnesium Oxide I.P.:  66.32 mg
Equivalent to Magnesium: 40 mg
Manganese Sulphate USP: 6.152 mg
Equivalent to Manganese: 2 mg
Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate USP: 1.96 mg
Equivalent to Copper: 0.5 mg
Dibasic Calcium Phosphate I.P.: 316.23 mg
Colors used in capsule shell:
Carmoisine (C.l. No.14720)
Ponceau 4R (C.l. No.16255)
Titaniun, Dioxide I.P.
Adequate overages of vitamin added.
Millions of Indians are affected by diabetes each year. Diabetic symptoms can range from weakness and fatigue, to nerve problems, or even circulation problem that can result in blindness or amputation of limbs and eventually death.
The human body possesses a complex set of checks and balances to maintain blood glucose concentrations within a narrow range. Glucose homeostasis also depends on the presence of a wide range of micronutrients. It is also proved that deficiency of certain minerals plays an important role in insulin resistance, carbohydrate intolerance and associated complications due to disturbed metabolism affecting all three substrates.
Practically all the diabetic patients are under diet control and they are under high fiber, low calorie diet which affects the essential vitamins and minerals status.
Diabetics experience abnormally high levels of oxidative free radicals, generating accelerated and advanced glycated end products, thus increasing the risk of cell damage and diabetic vascular complications like neuropathy (one of the earliest neuropathic abnormalities that occur in diabetes is the slowing of nerve conduction velocity) and retinopathy.
The goal of supplementing DIAVIT PLUS in the proper term is to allow diabetic patients to maintain good health.
Alpha Lipoic acid provided in DIAVIT PLUS is proved to be a one of the most potent antioxidant scavenging free radicals in aqueous and lipid medium hence called "Universal antioxidant". Alpha Lipoic acid reaches tissue composed mainly of fat, such as the nervous system as well as those made mainly of water, such as heart.
The other important properties pertaining to Alpha- Lipoic Acid are:
·     It increases the sugar burning ability of insulin.
·     It decreases insulin resistance.
·     It increases ATP production and
·     It decreases the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
lt is always suggested to supplement the antioxidants with trace minerals and vitamins to prevent the deficiency and free radical related complications in diabetes.
The trace elements and minerals are essential in the assimilation and utilization of vitamins and other nutrients. They aid in digestion and provide the catalyst for many hormones, enzymes and essential body functions and reactions.
Research suggests that people with diabetes may be low in nutrients including Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Selenium, and Vitamin A.
Adequate amount of provitamin A, Beta Carotene provided in DIAVIT PLUS helps in overcoming the deficiency of vitamin A and acts as an excellent antioxidant. Along with Calcium and Phosphorous it boosts the metabolic activities and reinforce the host defense mechanism along with Alpha Lipoic acid and Zinc by combating inflammation, infection and promoting tissue repair.
Zinc is involved both with insulin synthesis by pancreatic B cells and insulin binding to liver and adipose tissue cells. People with Zinc deficiency may have significantly higher glucose levels and lower insulin levels than similar patients without Zinc deficiency.
Chromium and Magnesium deficiency were thought to play role in the development of insulin resistance. Magnesium levels may also associate with hypoglycemia. Therefore, it is reasonable to add Chromium, Magnesium and Zinc in the supplements like DIAVIT PLUS
Copper, Manganese along with Chromium, Magnesium, and Zinc, help in blood sugar control and also provide support to the pancreas directly or to the cells receiving the sugar.
Selenium is an essential nutritional factor which acts as an antioxidant and may be involved in glucose balance. As many complications associated with diabetes may be related to excess free radical activity, prudence demands that adequate selenium be supplied in the diabetic diet.
Vitamin B12 is involved in a number of different steps in carbohydrate metabolism, and the incidence of 1312 deficiency was significantly greater in a series of diabetics than in the general population. Vitamin 812 deficiency can contribute to nerve damage in the hands and feet.
Methylcobalamin the co-enzyme form of vitamin B12 is the only form of vitamin B12 which can directly participate in homocysteine metabolism. In addition, converting homocysteine to methionine via methyl B12 it generates an increased supply of SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine), the body's most important methyl donor. The benefits of methyl B12 such as protection from neurotoxicity appear to derive from increased production of SAMe. Methyl B12 has also been reported to be neurotrophic or growth-promoting for nerve cells, a property which may help regenerate central and peripheral nervous tissues damaged in diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Methylcobalamin along with Alpha Lipoic acid and Magnesium helps to pre-empt the most common and dangerous diabetic complication i.e. neuropathy.
DIAVIT PLUS covers the benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid along with Methylcobalamin, antioxidant, multiminerals thus, bringing about a comprehensive therapy for the management of diabetes by reducing the risk of diabetic complications in Type 1, Type 2 diabetes & IGT.
Supportive therapy in diabetes(Type 1 / Type 2 / IGT)
Oxidative Stress and Tissue Injury.
One capsules a day or as directed by the Physician.
·     In patients known to be hypersensitive to any of its components.
·     There are no reports of contra indication of Alpha Lipoic Acid in pregnancy, but it should be avoided in first trimester of pregnancy.
DIAVIT PLUS Capsules are available in blister pack of 10 Capsules, 3 such packs are packed in a carton with prospectus.

Viboliv (Metadoxine Tablets and Injection)

Metadoxine antagonizes the lipid peroxidation in liver cells, restoring liver damage resulting horn prolonged alcohol intake and reduces fatty liver in chronic hepatitis.

Viboliv (Metadoxine Tablets and Injection)
International Non- Proprietary Name - Metadoxine
Chemical Name - Pyridoxine L -2- proliclone-5- carboxylate

Each film-coated tablet contains:
Metadoxine - 500 mg
COLOUR - litanium Dioxide IP

Viboliv Injection
Each ml contains:
Metadoxine - 500 mg
Methylparaben IP – 0.05% w/v
(As preservative)
Water for Injection IP
Mechanism of Action
Metadoxine antagonizes the lipid peroxidation in liver cells, restoring liver damage resulting horn prolonged alcohol intake and reduces fatty liver in chronic hepatitis.
Furthermore Metadoxine acts specifically on the neuro-transmitter systems involved in alcoholic intoxication, increasing the release of GABA and Acetyl Choline.
Metadoxine improves ethanol metabolism, reducing plasma ethanol levels during alcohol intake and improves the cognitive impairment, as well as the main psychological symptoms (aggressiveness, agitation, mood and behavioral disturbances) due to occasional or prolonged alcohol abuse.

Therapeutic Efficacy
Viboliv reduces the stay-time of ethanol in the organism, thus minimizing its toxic effects on cells. Viboliv also protects cell structure and function acting on those biochemical processes which defend them.
Due to these peculiar pharmacological properties, Viboliv reduces detoxification time in acute ethanol intoxication and prevents or reduces the hepatic and neuropsychic consequences of habitual intake of alcohol.

Treatment of fatty liver due to alcoholism, acute and chronic intoxication of alcohol.

Dosage and Administration
 Acute ethanol intoxication
1 - 2 ampoules administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
For other indications:
2 tablets daily, administered orally, or I ampoule daily, administered intramuscularly, or intravenously.

Known hypersensitivity to the preparation.
Caution must be exercised in Parkinsonians treated with L-Dopa, as Viboliv may antagonize the drug's effect.

Use during pregnancy and lactation
Viboliv should not be administered during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug Interactions
Metadoxine may increase the peripheral decarboxylation of levodopa, decreasing its efficacy.

With iron salts, alkaline solutions, oxidant solutions.

Viboliv ampoules contain sodium metabisulfite. This substance may cause allergic reactions and severe asthmatic attacks in sensitive patients, particularly in asthmatics

Store below 25 c. Protect from light & moisture
Keep out of reach of children.

Viboliv Tablet: Strip of 10 tablets.
Viboliv Injection: Ampoule of 5ml


OMEGARED is a unique nutritional supplement containing essential nutrients required for maintaining ocular health. Each ingredient of OMEGARED provides protection against different factors that may damage the eye.


Nutrition plays a major role from infancy to old age as a determinant of visual function and eye health. Each part of the human eye needs nutritional support for its normal functioning.
Environmental pollutants, cigarette smoke, prolonged exposure to the ultraviolet rays etc. can damage different structures of the eye and can contribute to the development of ocular diseases such as dry eye, cataract, age related macular degeneration (AMD) etc.
Studies have demonstrated that lutein, zeaxanthin, antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C & E and minerals provide protection to the eye against various factors responsible for oxidative damage and help in preventing the development of different ocular disorders.
OMEGARED is a unique nutritional supplement containing essential nutrients required for maintaining ocular health. Each ingredient of OMEGARED provides protection against different factors that may damage the eye.
The role of each ingredient present in OMEGARED is summarized below:
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin belong to the xanthophyll family of carotenoids and are the two major components of the macular pigment of the retina. Their intake is associated with increased macular pigment density. The macula lutea or yellow spot in the retina is responsible for central vision and visual acuity. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids found in both the macula and lens of the human eye. They have dual functions in both tissues - to act as powerful antioxidants to play a unique role in the protection of ocular tissues against oxidative stress and to filter high-energy blue light and thus prevent ensuing damages to the eye These xanthophyll carotenoids may play a critical function for maintenance of normal visual function Clinical studies have established beneficial effects of these carotenoids in AMD & cataract.
Vitamin C & Vitamin E
Vitamins C & Vitamin E are strong antioxidants i.e. they protect the eye against free radical damage. Strengthening of the eye defenses by increasing the intake of these vitamins would be helpful in preventing the chronic aging eye diseases.
Numerous studies suggest that supplements of vitamin E, vitamin C or both may contribute, in many situations, to lowering the risk of specific chronic diseases such as Alzheimer disease, age related macular degeneration, some types of cancer, cataracts, and ischemic heart disease (IHD).
Zinc is an essential cofactor for many of the antioxidant enzymes in the body. There is a substantial concentration of zinc in the eye, particularly in the retina, retinal pigment epithelium and choroid of most species of animals. Recent research has revealed that zinc may affect several degenerative neurologic diseases and these mechanisms may have implications for human eye diseases.
Copper is added to the formulation containing zinc to prevent copper deficiency anemia.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
The brain and eye are highly enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, which accumulate in these tissues during late fetal and early neonatal life. High concentrations of these polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in the outer segment membranes of phot receptors, and have both a structural and functional role.
A number of studies in pre-term and term human infants have suggested that a dietary supply of omega-3 fatty acids is essential for optimal visual development.
In addition to its role in the development of vision and retinal functioning, it has been suggested that omega-3 fatty acids may also be beneficial in ageing eye diseases.
Increased intake of Omega-3 tatty acids along with other antioxidants is found to be associated with reduced risk of AMD. Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids also benefits dry eye patients.
OMEGARED provides essential nutrients required for maintaining ocular health. Regular intake of OMEGARED helps in prevention and treatment of ocular conditions such as age related macular degeneration, dry eye, cataract etc.
One capsule daily or as recommended by the healthcare professional.
Storage requirements:
Store in a cool, dry & dark place, keep away from children.
30 soft gel capsules in blister packing (3X10).

Ultracet - Acetaminophen & Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablets USP

ULTRACET - Acetaminophen & Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablets USP
International Non-Proprietary Names:
Tramadol (INN) / Tramadol (USAN)
Paracetamol (INN) / Acetaminophen (USAN)
ULTRACET is available as tablets for oral administration containing 37.5 / 18.75 mg tramadol hydrochloride and 325/162.5 mg Acetaminophen
ULTRACET is available as a light yellow, film-coated, biconvex, capsule shaped tablet.
ULTRACET is indicated for the management of moderate to severe pain.
Unless otherwise prescribed, ULTRACET should be administered as follows:
The suggested maximum single dose of ULTRACET is 1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours, as needed for pain relief, up to a per day maximum equivalent to 300 mg tramadol hydrochloride and 2.6 g acetaminophen
ULTRACET can be administered without regard to food.
The safety and effectiveness of ULTRACET has not been established in the pediatric populations.
No Overall differences with regard to safety or pharrnacokinetics were noted between subjects >65 years of age and younger subjects.
ULTRACET should not be administered to patients who have previously demonstrated hypersensitivity to tramadol, acetaminophen, and any other component of this product or opioids. It is also contraindicated in cases of acute intoxication with alcohol, hypnotics, narcotics, centrally acting analgesics, opioids or psychotropic drugs.
Seizures have been reported in patients receiving tramadol within the recommended dosage range. Spontaneous post-marketing reports indicate that seizure risk is increased with doses of tramadol above the recommended range. Concomitant use of tramadol increases the seizure risk in patients.
Patients with a history or anaphylactoid reactions to codeine and other opiods may be at increased risk and therefore should net receive ULTRACET.
Administer ULTRACET cautiously in patients at risk for respiratory depression. When large doses of tramadol are administered with anesthetic medications or alcohol, respiratory depression may result. Treat such cases as an overdose. If naloxone is to be administered, use cautiously because it may precipitate seizures.

Side Effects of Zofran

Though Zofran is tolerated by many people, some prospective side effects exists in the medication. Mostly Zofran side effects are minor and can be easily cured by self or doctors.  Some of the mainly common side effects of Zofran consists of fatigue, headaches and constipation. There also exist some tribulations likes skin rash, chest pain, tremors, etc, which should be, without delay, informed to your doctor.  

According to the research some known side effects of Zofran are as follows:


This is one of the common side effects of Zofran which occurs in 27 percent of its consumer.

Fatigue (Tiredness) or General Illness

This common side effect of Zofran exists in up to 13 percent of people who consumes it.


Constipation is suffered by 9 percent of Zofran consumers.

Lower Level of Oxygen

in up to 9 percent


suffered by 8 percent of people who use Zofran


 suffered by 7 percent of Zofran users

Gynecological disorders

in up to 7 percent

Anxiety or agitation

in up to 6 percent

complexity emptying the bladder (urinary retention) –

in up to 5 percent


in up to 5 percent


in up to 5 percent.

HOW to Eliminate Body Odor

Got irritated by body smell that tends to rise up during the most unwanted times? Given below are tips and procedure on getting rid of the unpleasant body odor.

1.    Make the habit of having bathe or shower daily
Make sure you have bathe or shower daily basis using appropriate body cleansing materials such as shower gel or soap. Give special attention to your underarms while bathing.,

2.    Avoid using deodorant /antiperspirant as far as possible
There is no odor in perspiration at all. Actually, underarm odor is generated by bacteria and their increment. Soap and deodorant provides food to these bacteria and leading to their increment.  This will lead to even worse smelling then ever.

3.    Change your socks and undergarments daily
If it is not possible to shower daily, make sure you change your undergarments and socks on daily basis. Make sure you wash your socks and undergarments daily too, and get them completely dried up afterwards.

4.    Place your clothes in areas where air can reach them and that has pleasing smell
Use scented paper as lining in your drawers. Hanging clothes may be more effective rather than keeping them in drawers.It will let them dry and kill any bacteria that might be living there.

5.    Adopt the habit of washing your hands 3 to 4 times a day on regular basis.

6.    Quit smoking
Quit smoking if you have the habit of smoking. It creates negative impact on the regulatory systems which helps in checking odors.

Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Blood Donation has several benefits on human’s health and hence should be done at regular intervals. One can donate blood at every three months. Some health benefits on donation of blood has been posted her

1.   It reduces the chances of heart disorders.
A study has revealed that raise in iron level of blood raises the probability of heart disorder. Iron is occupied in the corrosion of cholesterol and this method is supposed to be unfavorable to the arteries. Raised blood iron level supports this method of cholesterol oxidation and consequently leads to heart disease. Habitual blood donation allows principally males in reducing iron on standard base. Blood donation declines the chances of heart diseases by 1/3.

2.   Supports the manufacture of fresh Red Blood Cells
When the blood gets introverted through the donors body the blood cells inside the body gets declined. To refill it, right away fresh cells gets formed by marrow and thus, this leads to refreshment of blood. As a result donating blood helps in motivating formation of new blood cells.

3.   Helps in fighting hemochromitosis
Hemochromitosis is a hereditary disarray; also said to be the iron excess disarray. Hemochromitosis may cause the organ harm. Blood donation helps in reducing iron content in the blood and thus helping to resist Hemochromitosis.

4.   Burns calories
A regular blood donate looses 650 calories while donating 450 ml of blood which helps him to stay fit and healthy.

5.   Lowers the risk of Cancer
As per the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, regular blood donation helps in reducing chance of suffering from cancers like lung, liver, stomach, colon and throat cancer.

Easy Remedies to Get Rid of Hiccups


1. The most popular way get rid of hiccups is to drink a glass of water and have some cover your ears while drinking.

2. The another method to remove hiccups is to stop your breath for some minutes. This might create problems in your stomach but that will disappear soon.

3. Another method of getting free of hiccups is a bit strange but it is very much effective, to get scared by someone. Have someone scare you unknowingly.

4. Lemon can also be used to overcome hiccups problems.

5. Simply pull your tongue out and hold it for some minutes. Hiccups will be gone.

6. Take a bag made of paper, hold it's mouth around your mouth, sealing it with your mouth and breath into it. Blow 10 times into it and you will get relief from hiccups soon.

7. Swallowing a teaspoon filled with sugar can also be tried at home to get rid of hiccups. This is one of the most easy method.

8. Another remedy to eliminate hiccups is to gargle with ice water. But make sure that you do not swallow those ice cubes.

9. Another method to get free of hiccups is to take a spoon of sour juice like vinegar, etc.Vinegar can also be mixed with sugar or honey to make it taste nice.

10. A teaspoon of butter can also be taken to remove hiccups problem.

Health Benefits of Drinking HOT Water

 Drinking of hot water should be made a habit in our daily lives as it is beneficial to our body and health in may ways.  Some of the benefits of hot water has been listed here.

1. Hot water helps in the improvement in blood circulation of our body.

2. Hot water added with lemon and honey and taken early in the morning with empty stomach, reduces weight and improves the immunity system of our body.

3. Hot water also plays a vital role in elimination of waste materials like toxins from our body and blood purification.

4. Hot water is essential to regain lost moisture which might have been lost in our body.

5. Hot water improves the digestive system of our body.

6. Hot water is also a vital source of healthy skin.

7. Hot water allows you to get relieved from throat problems and cough.

8. Drinking of hot water increases the temperature of our body, resulting in sweating which helps to cool down our body.

9. Habits of drinking hot water helps to reduce deposits of our nervous system which can cause negative thoughts and emotions.

10. Hot water can be used as a source to cure constipation as it stimulates bowel in our body.

11. Drinking hot water along with black pepper can tune up your vocal cords resulting to your voice being clear.

12. Hot water also acts as a guard of your lungs and kidneys from harmful attacks.

Health Benefits of Onion

Just imagine your life without onions. Since many years, onion has been used as the main ingredient in various types of dishes.  After tomato, onion has become the second largest and important crop. Besides adding some delicious flavors to the food, onions too have some health benefits which have been revealed here.

Before US settlers used to consumes wild Onion to cure coughs, colds, and asthma and even to eliminate bloody insects. In China, onion is the great source to cure angina,infections caused due to bacteria and respiratory disorders.

The World Health Organisation suggests consumption of onions for treating bad appetite and to check atherosclerosis. Onions also reduce bronchial spasms. Onion juice helps in decreasing allergy-induced bronchial construction in asthma patients.

Onion is a very strong source of fructo-oligosaccharides which stimulate the increase of healthy bifidobacteria and reduce the growth of  dangerous bacteria in the colon. Apart from this, they ought to decline the danger of tumors  in the colon.

Onions mixed with vinegar can also be applied in warts and freckles. Onions are also believed to help to get rid of skin problems.

Onions are also believed to check decay or tooth and oral infections. Chewing of uncooked onions for 3 to 4 minutes has a strong chance to kill all the germs which can harm our teeth.

Boroline-an Antiseptic Perfumed Cream

Boroline is a popular antiseptic perfumed cream for skin which is sold all over in India and some parts of the world. In 1929, Boroline was launched by a Bengali merchant of Kolkata, Gurumohan Dutta. The popularity of boroline took a height througout the decades. Boroline has now become a national's financial economic and is still a famous brand in the country.

Features Of Boroline
It is supposed to be used to smoothing cracked lips, cure wounds & cuts, rough skin, cracked heels, abraded skin and in skin infections treatments.
It is a combined form of the the astringent, antiseptic boric acid,  the emollient lanolin and sunscreen zinc oxide.
It's manufacture is carried out by G D Pharmaceuticals Private Limited and was initiated in 1929.

Methods Of Applications
Wash and dry the skin where the boroline is to be applied and then put some boroline on that and massage gently.
Warm and melted boroline has more efficiency, mainly in treating infections of skin.
If  the cut is deep and open, it is suggested to use Boroline only after the cut has been covered and started to dry up.  

Where Boroline Should Not Be Used
We should not apply Boroline on pimples, occuring due to high oil secretion. As Boroline itself is oily, the problem will be aggravated.

Home Remedies to Get Fast Relief From Tooth Pain

Many of us suffers from tooth pain and the worst part is that it just feels like killing. Thus, I am trying to present some tips to get fast relief from tooth pain which can be applied easily at homes.

1. Clove which is found mostly in everyone's house is a good source to get rid of tooth pain. Just chew the clove with the effected teeth or you can even apply clove oil on the effected tooth. Also chewing of cloves in morning on daily basis makes your teeth stronger.

2. Fresh Echinacea tincture dug from the ground can also be used to get free of tooth pain.

3. Cleansing of mouth with tea tree essential oil mixed with water will give rapid relief from inflamed gums.

4. Drinking some hot water mixed with salt also gives temporary relief from toothache.
5. Put some ice on the effected tooth and you will get some quick relief but for a short period of time.

6. Tooth pain can also be eliminated by chewing raw onion for at least three minutes. Placing of raw onion on the paining tooth can also be helpful.

7. Lime which the considered to be the strong source of vitamin C stops decaying and loosing of teeth, thus maintaining good health of your teeth as well as other bones of your body.

8. Juice extract from wheat grass can be used as the mouthwash to cure decay and pain caused in the tooth. Chewing of wheat grass removes toxins from the gums thus reducing bacteria.

Volini-a Pain Relief Cream

Volini is a scientifically proven effective cream which gives you quick relief from body and joint ache. Once applied on the effected parts of the body, Volini rapidly gets absorbed into the skin and gives you better, faster and long term relief from pain.

Key Features of Volini Cream
Volini Cream easily absorbs into the skin to give fast relief from the pain.
Volini also gives a distinctive cooling sense, temperate as much as necessary so that there's no sensitivity of burning after its application.

  • Lower back ache
  • Knee ache
  • Tennis elbow
  • Sprain & strains
  • Ankle sprain
  • Wrist sprain
  • Soft tissue disorders
  • Osteoarthritis Knee
  • Back pain
  • Cervical spondylosis
  • Arthritis
  • Knee Arthritis
  • Shoulder lesions
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Prolapsed intervertebral disc
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Injury
  • Spondylosis
  • Thumb, knee, shoulder stiffness
Diclofenac Diethylamine BP....................01.16% w/w
       (equivalent to Diclofenac Sodium .... 1.00% w/w)
Methyl Salicylate IP....................................10.00% w/w
Linseed oil BP............................................03.00% w/w
Menthol IP...................................................05.00% w/w

PRESERVATIVESGel Base.....................................................q.s
Benzyl Alcohol IP.......................................01.00% w/w

Volini creams are available in 15g and 28g packs worth Rs. 35 and Rs. 62 respectively.
Volini is also available in the form of spray and tablets.

Huminsulin 30/70

Huminsulin 30/70 40 IU/mL suspension for injection in vial (Biphasic isophane insulin injection – 30% Soluble insulin and 70% Isophane Insulin). Monocomponent Human Insulin (r-DNA origin)
Each mL contains: 40IU Human Insulin IP (r-DNA origin) as active ingredient, 1.6 mg m-cresol Ph. Eur. as preservative, 16mg Glycerol IP as tonicity modifier, 0.65 mg Phenol IP as preservative, Protamine Sulphate IP for complexing with insulin to prolong its action q.s. to obtain 0.0756 mg of protamine base, 3.78 mg Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Ph. Eur. as buffer, Zinc Oxide IP q.s. as stabilizer, Hydrochloric Acid Solution 10% q.s. and Sodium Hdryoxide Solution 10% q.s. for pH adjustment, Water for Injection IP q.s. 1mL.

1mL contains 40IU human insulin (produced in E. coli by recombinant DNA technology).

One vial contains 10 ml equivalent to 400IU of biphasic isophane insulin-30% soluble insulin/70% isophane insulin.

A suspension of injection in a 10mL vial.

Huminsulin 30/70 is a sterile suspension of human insulin in the proportion of 30% soluble insulin to 70% isophane insulin, adjusted to a pH range of 6.9 to 7.5.

Huminsulin 30/70 is an intermediate acting insulin preparation.


Therapeutic Indications

For the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus who require insulin for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis.

Posology and method of administration

The dosage should be determined by the physician, according to the requirement of the patient.

Huminsulin 30/70 should be given by subcutaneous injection buy may, although not recommended, also be given by intramuscular injection. Huminsulin 30/70 should be administered intravenously.

Subcutaneous administration should be in the upper arms, thighs, buttocks or abdomen. Use of injection sites should be rotated so that the same site is not used more than approximately once a month.

Care should be taken when injecting any Huminsulin preparations to ensure that a blood vessil has not been entered. After any insulin injection, the injection site should not be massaged. Patients must be educated to use proper injection techniques.

Huminsulin 30/70 formulation is a ready made defined mixture of regular insulin and isophane insulin designed to the need for the patient to mix insulin preparations. A patient’s treatment regimen should be based on the individual metabolic requirements.



Hypersensitivity to Huminsulin or to the formulation excipients, unless used as a part of a desensitisation proramme.

Under no circumstances should Huminsulin 30/70 formulation be given intravenously.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Health Benefits of Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla)

Phyllanthus Emblica(Amla),also known as Indian Gooseberry is an edible fruit which grows in India and Middle East. Amla has been used as a source of ayurvedic medicine since centuries. Phyllanthus Emblica(Amla) has several benefits on human health which has been described below.

1. It helps in promoting longevity and enhancing digestive system (dipanapachana).

2. It helps in the reduction of cough (kasahara) and fever (jvaraghna).

3. It acts as on source of blood purifier (raktaprasadana).

4. It helps in treating constipation(anuloma), alleviation of asthma (svasahara), strengthen of heart (hrdaya).

5. It is also helpful for eyes (chakshushya), growth of hair (romasanjana), enliven the body (jivaniya), and enhance intellect (medhya).

6. Phyllanthus Emblica(Amla) is helpful in unrelieved conditions like diabetes, antioxidant, prevention of ulcer.

7. It is also helpful for person suffering from mental and memory effects.

8. It is effective in high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis, swelling and pain in the pancreas (pancreatitis), cancer, stomach upset, pain in joints, diarrhea, obesity, dysentery and organ restoration.

9. It is also helpful to kill germs and lower pain and swelling resulting due to the body's response yo illness of injury (inflammation).

10. Phyllanthus Emblica(Amla) is said to be rich in Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C, a dominant antioxidant helpful to trim down wrinkles, restrain pigmentation, and facilitate skin maintain its natural wetness.


Brightgreen Home Loans

Brightgreen Home Loans is a finance banking corporation which has it's  headquarter in Charlotte, North Carolina and offices located througout  the country. Brightgreen Home Loans  is completely custodian  subordinate of Hestia Financial Inc., a economic services group which has a belief that as per the on going market condition, the finance brokerage society is under the pressure to carry out mortgage banking activities for the purpose of balancing speed with a rapidly moving and persistently changing mortgage lending diligence. Brightgreen Home Loans is a Extremely splintered society whick lacks current property and corporate infrastructure available among common broker function, the Company has the belief that a smart consolidation prospect lies in this segment. 

Ultimately Brightgreen Home Loans believes that a consolidated mortgage inauguration and mortgage banking function with FHA full-lending capacity will drive P/E multiple development, enhanced operating boundaries, and will make available for improved liquidity and evaluation under the support of a diversified, in public traded, monetary services association. As a result Brightgreen Home Loans has started acquiring personal self-governing mortgage brokerage activites accross the US at what the corporatiob believes are beneath communal marketplace valuations. 

With the ongoing disaster in the mortgage market, HESTIA views an viewpoint in the "smashed and dented" portfolio market. Brightgreen Home Loans is as per now in the concluding discussions with numerous buyers of these spoiled portfolios that are looking to HESTIA to recredit these loans. The recrediting of these loans is essential for the purpose to convey the mortgage amount in line with the property standards. With the fresh motivation package and the new FHA strategy, HESTIA has the prospective of doing 1,000 of these loans in the next one year. One of our chief allocation of resources in the next few days lies  in this region. With the new government guiding principle under the new motivation enclose , our program should be advantageous to investors in the damaged    

Citicoline Injection

Each ml contains citicoline sodium equivalent to citicoline 250 mg.

Clinical Pharmacology:
Citicoline is a pyrimidine 5'-nucleotide which serves as an essential precursor in the synthesis of lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) and other phospholipids.

Mechanism of Action
The extensive damage caused by stroke requires repair and regeneration of axons and synapses of neurons. So new membrane production is essential.  The primary mechanism by which citicoline is believed to have a therapeutic effect in stroke is its ability to increase the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, the primary neuronal membrane component. It also enhances acetylcholine synthesis, and might thus ameliorate symptoms caused by the stroke induced loss of cholinergic neurons.
Another mechanism by which citicoline may have a more accurate effect on the outcome of stroke patients relates to its ability to reduce fatty acid accumulation at the site of injury, and thus to prevent further damage.
Citicoline avoids, reduces or reverses the effects of ischemia and/or hypoxia in major parts of animal and cellular models studied and acts in the cranial traumatic forms, reduces and limits the injuries to the membranes of the nerve cells, re-establishes the sensitivity and the function of the regulatory intracellular enzymes and accelerates the re-absorption of the cerebral edema.
Thus considerable evidence accumulated supports the use of citicoline for increasing and maintaining and repairing the membranes and the neuronal function in situations such as ischemia and traumatic injuries. In patients with senile dementia, citicoline reduces the evolution of damage.

Citicoline is well absorbed following intramuscular administration. After intramuscular doses of citicoline 1000mg, peak increases in plasma choline level were seen in 0.4 hour, with levels increasing from 11 micromol/L (baseline) to 25 micromol/L. Choline delivered from citicoline crosses blood brain barrier. The major portion of  a dose of citicoline appears to be incorporated into tissues and/or used in biosynthetic/biodegradation pathways, including lecithin/lipid membrane synthesis. Citicoline is a metabolized in the liver to free choline. The liver is capable of synthesizing lecithin from choline, and resynthesizing citicoline from cytidine and choline. Half life of free choline is of 2 hours after intramuscular administration. Only small amounts of dose are recovered in urine and feces (less than 3% each.) Approximately 12% of a dose is eliminated through lungs as carbon dioxide.

Strocit Injection is indicated for the treatment of patients with disturbances of consciousness resulting from head injury, brain operation, and in the acute stage of cerebral infarction.
History of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of this drug.
Warnings and Precautions:
For patients with acute, severe and progressive disturbances of consciousness resulting from head injury or brain operation, citicoline injection should be administered in conjunction with haemostatic and intracranial pressure relieving drug, or such treatment as hypothermia.
For patients with disturbances of consciousness in acute stage of cerebral infarction, it is recommended to start the administration of citicoline injection within two weeks after apoplectic stroke.
In administering citicoline injection intramuscularly, caution should be exercised so as not to affect the tissues, nerves, etc. Intramuscular injection should be given only when indispensable, and should be restricted to the minimum to be required. In particular, repeated injection at the same site should be avoided. Extra care should be exercised in treating prematures, newborns, nursing infants and children. Care should be exercised to avoid injection at sites along the course of nerves. In case intense pain or backflow of blood upon insertion of the injection needle, the needle should be withdrawn immediately and injected at a different site.
In intravenous administration, inject as slowly as possible.
Since shock may occur, close observation should be made. If any such abnormalities such as drop of blood pressure, distressed feeling of the chest or dyspnea is observed, citicoline injection should be discontinued and appropriate measures is taken.
Pregnancy & Lactation
There are no adequate and well controlled studies of citicoline during pregnancy and lactation. Citicoline should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Caution should be exercised during breast feeding because it is not known whether citicoline is excreted in human breast milk.
Drug Interactions:
Citicoline must be used with medicines containing meclophenoxate (or centraphenoxine). Citicoline increases the effects of L-dopa.

Side effects:
The commonly observed adverse effects (<0.1-5%) were rash, insomnia, occurrence or intensification on numbness or paralyzed extremities (when used in patients with postapoplectic hemiplegia), nausea, abnormal laboratory values for liver function, and feeling of warmth.
The other adverse effects (<0.1%) were headache, dizziness, excitation, convulsions, anorexia, transient diplopia, transient blood pressure changes, malaise shock, distressed feeling of the chest, and dyspnea.

Dosage and Administration:
Disturbance of consciousness resulting from head injury or brain operation: Usually, for adults, a dose of 100-500 mg of citicoline is administered once or twice a day, by intravenous drip infusion, intravenous injection on intramuscular injection. The dose may be adjusted according to the patient's age and condition.
Disturbance of consciousness in the acute stage of cerebral infarction: Usually, a dose of 100 mg of citicoline is administered once a day, by intravenous injection, for two consecutive weeks.
Store in a cool dry place, protected from light.
Citicoline injection is available in 2 ml, and 4 ml ampoules.      

Side Effects of Corex Cough Syrup

Corex is a syrup to cure cough manufactured by Pfizer Inc, a worldwide medecine company. Corex is sold in some countries of South Asia like, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. Corex is a medcine of prescription and can be sold or bought only if a generak doctor prescribes it. Ingredients of Corex includes chlorpheniramine maleate and codeine phosphate. Corex is consumed by persons suffering from cough but it has some side effects if consumed on high level too which has been discussed below.

1. Corex may cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, constipation and dryness of mouth in some patients depending on the persson's sensitivity.

2. Excess consumption of Corex can also lead to short term memory loss, tremors and spasms, muscular pains.

3. Corex also damages a person's immunity system to fight with common cold.

4. Corex contains dextromethorphan, high dose of which can cause panic attacks and psychosis

5. Corex also includes acetaminophenv, which if consumed at high level creates damages of liver.

6. Guaifenesin in corex can cause upset in stomach.

In addition to the side effects mentioned above, high consumption of Corex can also leads to it's addiction which is not a good sign for a person's health. Thus, Prescribed and accurate dose of Corex is always advisable.

Health Benefits of Becosules

Becosules are the Vitamin B Complex formulation available in the form of capsules and syrups. Becosules are energy medictions which helps in maintaing energy level of the body. Becosules are useful in many aspect such as increase of appetite, maintaining hameglobin, etc. There are many more health benefits of Becosules which are mentioned below

One health benefits of Becosules it that it helps in the digestive improvement of a person as it is helpful for liver.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it allows releasement of energy from carbohydrates, fat & protien

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it is vital for growth of cell and new cell creation.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it does not have any side effects.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it can be taken with any medecines.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it can be used to cure mouth ulcers.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it can be used to get rid of pimples.

Another health benefits of Becosules is that it is rich in vitamins which is vital for maintaining regular metabolic functions.

Besides the benefits mentioned above, there are many others health benefits of becosules. Becosules can be taken without consulting doctor and is totally safe. You can take a becosule capsule daily or as directed by the physician.

Birthday Bumps


Birthday Bumps is a type of birthday celebrations which is carried out around the world. Birthday  Bumps involves giving some physical torture to birthday person in order to eliminate evil and allow attraction of good luck. Physical tortures in birthday bumps includes kicks, punches, earlobe pulling, etc.

Birthdays Bumps are mostly common in Ireland, US and UK. The number of bumps given is equal to the age of the person and a extra bump is given as luck. Normally, Birthday Bumps are carried out by children only because adults becomes too weighty to course.

In Canada and US, birthday bumps are given in the form of punches which is equal to the age of the birthday boy or girl. In Hungary,Brazil,  Argentina, Italy, etc, birthday bumps are delivered in the form of earlobe pull. In Hungary, birthday bumps includes earlobe pulling too and reciting a birthday rhyme with the blessing of long live.

In India birthday bumps are carried out by holding the birthday boy in the air and giving some kicks on his buttocks.

In Israel, a birthday child going to kindergarten in lifted in a decorated chair, making him or her sit on to the air many times.

In Venezuela, person's face is pushed into the cake during the process of candle blowing which mostly destrys the cake.

Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit
Dragon Fruit, also known as Pitaya is one of the cactus group fruit. Dragon Fruits are grown in countries of Asia like Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand,Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh. Dragon Fruits are also native to Okinawa, Hawaii, Israel, northern Australiaand southern part of China. Dragon fruit are available in 3 colors-Pink with white flesh, pink with red flesh and yellow with white flesh. Dragon fruits are low calorie and hold various nutrients such as Vitamin C, Calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Dragon Fruit's sweet and crunchy taste makes it wonderful to eat with the flavor of kiwi and pear crossing.

Dragon fruits supplements fibre which is ideal for laxative and liver, this fruit is perfect for all types of diets. People suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity can switch to Dragon Fruit for their wellness. Recent studies have revealed that regular consumption of Dragon Fruit helps in weight reduction, maintaining a ideal balanced body without any side effects. Dragon Fruits mostly blooms during the night times. Bats plays a vital role in the pollination of Dragon Fruits. Dragon Fruit is also helpful in maintaining blood glucose level. Dry dragon fruit is 10 times more healthier than a fresh dragon fruit.

Dragon fruits can be used as desert, in juice, ice creams or in cocktails.

Bike Maintenance Tips

1. Always check the air in your tyre of your bike. Optimal pressure of air in tyre is important for grip on the road, comfort riding and long life of tyres.

2. When you start your bike for the first time in a day, always prefer to kick start rather than self start. The next start may be executed by self start.

3. Engine is an important part of the bike which is also known as the life of bike. Thus, we should maintain the correct level of engine oil in our bike. Level of engine oil should be checked every day. Level of engine oil should be lower than upper mark and higher than upper one.

4. Always clean the surface of your bike which will make your bike look new and shining. Use low pressure water to wash your bike. Avoid the use of detergents.

5. Check your bike battery regularly and get it recharged whenever required. Toping of distilled water should be done on regular basis

6. Spark plugs of bike should be cleaned on frequent basis with the help of an emery paper.

7. Carburetor of bike should be cleaned on regular basis or every 1500 km

8. Both the brake should be properly managed in the bike. Neither keep them too tight or too loose.

9. Broken strands, if any, should be changed immediately.

10. Always drive your bike with valid driving license, documents, pollution, insurance, etc.

Kiss-types of Kisses

1.    Butterfly Kiss
In this kiss, your face is less than a breath away. Eyelid is closed against your lovers . If done perferctly, the flapping passion go on to match the one in your heart.

2.    Cheek Kiss
This is is the normal "I love you" kiss. This type of kiss is often practiced on initial date. Gently rub your lips on your partner's cheek with the hand on the shoulder.

3.    Earlobe Kiss
This kiss involves gently sip and sucking of earlobes. As ears detect noises sensibly, loud kissing noise should be avoided.

4.    Eskimo Kiss
Both the nose are rubbed together in Eskimo Kiss.

5.    Eye Kiss
Catch your lover's head using both arms and gradually turn the head to the way you desire  to kiss, then leisurely kiss  towards your partner's eyes and deliver  caring kiss on top of their bunged eyes.

6.    Eyelid Kiss
This kiss is executed when your partner is in a sleep. Kiss the area just below the browbone very gently. One of the friendly kiss.

7.    Finger Kiss
A very seductive and delightful kiss, in which fingers are sucked gently.

8.    Foot Kiss
An erotic and romantic sign of kissing. Though tickling, it gives you the state of relax and enjoy. Warmly suck the toe and then gently kiss the feet. Massaging of foot base is also done in this type of kiss.

9.    Forehead Kiss
Forehead kiss is just a friendly or family kiss. This type of kiss is quite comfortable for everyone. Lips are brushed across the crown of the head.

10. Hickey Kiss
The motive is not to take blood, but to gently create a sign that will prove your intermission was not a dream. This is frequently done in erotic foreplay.