Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boroline-an Antiseptic Perfumed Cream

Boroline is a popular antiseptic perfumed cream for skin which is sold all over in India and some parts of the world. In 1929, Boroline was launched by a Bengali merchant of Kolkata, Gurumohan Dutta. The popularity of boroline took a height througout the decades. Boroline has now become a national's financial economic and is still a famous brand in the country.

Features Of Boroline
It is supposed to be used to smoothing cracked lips, cure wounds & cuts, rough skin, cracked heels, abraded skin and in skin infections treatments.
It is a combined form of the the astringent, antiseptic boric acid,  the emollient lanolin and sunscreen zinc oxide.
It's manufacture is carried out by G D Pharmaceuticals Private Limited and was initiated in 1929.

Methods Of Applications
Wash and dry the skin where the boroline is to be applied and then put some boroline on that and massage gently.
Warm and melted boroline has more efficiency, mainly in treating infections of skin.
If  the cut is deep and open, it is suggested to use Boroline only after the cut has been covered and started to dry up.  

Where Boroline Should Not Be Used
We should not apply Boroline on pimples, occuring due to high oil secretion. As Boroline itself is oily, the problem will be aggravated.

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